Our Guiding Principles

  1. Every Kid Matters; Every Day Matters

  2. Our classes are grounded in innovation and reflective of the 21st century preparing students for our future world.

  3. Social Emotional Learning & Mental Health are as important as Academic Learning & Physical Health.

  4. Our school is a safe space for children and adults- safe physically, emotionally & spiritually. 

  5. Our school is culturally responsive and inclusive.

  6. Our students will be given the room to explore themselves, their potential, and their future  completely free from judgement.

  7. Our instruction is designed for the unique needs of our students, driven by data, with excellence and mastery learning as the goal.

  8. Grading is equitable, easy to understand, reflective of our students’ current understanding while promoting a growth mindset.

  9. The Arts are integral to human development and a full life; they will be incorporated into all classrooms.

  10. Our school is a community that sparks joy, wonder & excitement, thinking, exploration & creativity