21st Century Innovative Education

At Legacy School of the Arts we believe that school as we know it is over. We want our instruction to be the forefront of innovation so that our students are prepared not only to exist in the future world, but to build it.

  • Flipped Classroom Model: When students engage with teachers, it will be around the work. Students don’t waste time listening to teachers lecture, they get involved and practice with the guidance of their teachers alongside them.

  • Mastery Learning: Students are supported until they get it. We use data and work closely in small group and one-on-one to ensure that our students master the standards and are prepared for the next grade.

  • Inclusivity: We strive to have everyone represented in our school, our curriculum, our teaching. Our students will see themselves as we aim to have people of color, people with disabilities, the immigrant community, and the LGBTQ+ community accurately represented in our work.

  • Google Classroom: Our curriculum is digital; students will complete all assignments through google classroom.

  • Arts Education: Arts are integrated in all classes.